This guide will help you configure your own app to allow your users to sign up with their Unstoppable Domains identity.

To enable Unstoppable Domains SSO follow the next steps (15 min)

  1. If you haven’t created your first project, click on create a new dapp and follow the instructions. Once you see it in the dashboard, then navigate to it.


  1. Once in the editor drag to the screen the connect wallet button component from the block section if you haven’t.


  1. Once the Connect Wallet Button is on the screen click on it and on the top bar select the properties tab (cog icon) to access the properties of the button. When you click the button a prompt to sign in will appear, let’s ignore it for now, if you need to get rid of it just closing it or refreshig the page.


  1. As you see we have 3 properties for the Connect Wallet Button. For configuring UD SSO we need to complete
    1. UD callback url
    2. UD app id
  2. Open in a new tab the Unstoppable Domains Auth Dahsboard and connect your wallet.
  3. Create a new client app


  1. Once you have created it, you will need to configure how it will handle the redirection for users authenticating. Click on the Login tab on the left.


  1. Take note of the clientID. We will need this back in the studio.


  1. In the redirect URIs we need to add the url of our dapp. You can find this back in the dashboard where we first started.


  1. Add your full app url as a new entry in the Redirect URIs and click “Confirm Changes” on the top of the page. Finish up click “confirm changes” on the top of the screen. The resulting configuration should look like this where redirectUri is our app url.